In keeping with the nautical feel of yesterdays post today in 1805 The Battle of Trafalgar occurred off the coast of Spain. The British defeated the French and Spanish fleet. This confirmed Britain's worldwide naval superiority, something which was not really to be threatened for over 100 years until the arms race
pre WWI. No mean feet when you consider that global trade, at this time, was vital to a healthy economy and this was tied in to a countries ability to travel by sea.
Admiral Lord Nelson was mortally wounded during the battle, becoming one of Britain's greatest war heroes. In fact London's most famous square (Trafalgar) was laid out in 1829 to 1841 to commemorate Nelson's victory at the Battle. Though the first monument dedicated to Nelson is believed to have been erected in Glasgow Green in 1806. I think I might take a walk up and see it now as it's a nice day.